June 14

Did the ironing and helped do mornings works. Feeling rather bum, so loafed most all P.M. Picked a gal. of berries. Martin vaccinated the pigs this morning. Rained some this evening and still cloudy.

June 13

Did the washing and picked berries this P.M. Emma and Dean helped. Had 5 1/2 gal. Nice rain this afternoon.

June 12

Still cloudy and cooler. Went to Sun school. Took a big map and went up to where the folks were papering. Emma came home with us. She and I picked 11 qts. of berries. Helped milk and separate and went to the Children's Day Program. Cleaned out duck house before dinner.

June 11

Cleaned up the house this morning. Went to Pencie Judd's sale this afternoon. Rained this P.M.

June 10

Did mornings work. Finished picking the cherries. Had about 4 gal. Pitted them. Picked 5 gallons strawberries this P.M.

June 9

Helped pick 7 qts. gooseberries. Did the ironing. Martha bought 2 more gal. berries. Picked 2 qt. strawberries. Took mama to Dr. at Scipio. Bought 30 lbs. sugar for $2.14. Picked 1 1/2 gal. strawberries. Cleaned out duck house.

June 8

Hung up the washing. Helped pick 3 gallons gooseberries. Helped pick 8 gal. strawberries. Spaulding did not come so took 5 gallon down and sold to mama for 5 cents a qt. Martha bought gooseberries for $1.10. Dampened clothes.