April 25

Still cloudy and rainy. Mowed front yard. Did mornings work. Cleaned off chicken roosts. Worked on my rug. Dreamed about Rena last nite. Mable and her drove in about 1 o'clock. We were all surprised. Hadn't seen her since July 2, 1931. We three went fishing after a long conversation. Caught 6 little fellows. I can hardly realize that she was here, seems like a dream. A very hard rain tonight.

April 24

Rain, we went to Sun school, back home, fed my chicks and then Ora and I went down home. Helped with the milking tonight. Mowed west side of yard. Got my hood, which mama knit for me. She gave me a voile dress, which was too small for her. Did some reading tonight.

April 23

Did the usual Saturdays cleaning. Hoed onions and cabbage. Set out the dalaha bulbs Mable gave me. Cracked some corn for chicks. Mopped kitchen since supper. Have taken a bath, trimmed my nails, studied S. school lesson, am going to bed.

April 22

Did the mornings work. Helped to cord a rick of wood in wood house. Went to Redington Cemetary with Ezra's and Mabels. Put some fresh dirt in the porch flower box. Carried flowers out of kitchen onto porch. Cleaned out wood shed. Put two of the kitchen screens in. Cleaned off chicxken roosts. Took off 29 baby chicks. Scared the hawk away twice. We four went to the Commencement tonight. Moved wood box and washing machine into wood house. Carried empty cans down cellar.

April 21

Rained a little, until noon, cleared off and sun was awful warm and bright all evening. Helped Ora fix the feed coop and we shut my 27 chicks up in it. Fixed a frame around my tomato seed bed. Set out the dahala bulb mama gave me. Put new front patches on a pair of overalls. Cleaned off the 3 chick coops. went down to Mashino's this P.M. and spoke for some duck eggs. Two settings of eggs beginning to hatch. Ezra, Maude and Donald came at 5 o'clock and just left, going to Mabels for the night.

April 20

Did the ironing and cleaned off chicken roosts. Our rug came from Tri State. did the patching. Big rain this afternoon and more tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Hunnicutt were here tonight. Sewed some quilt blocks. Hawks got two more of my chicks.