May 3

Ken brought the word back that grandpa died at 7:50 last night. Shelby and Ora stayed down home until 11 o'clock. He and Mabel stayed here rest of night. Mable and I did the 3 washings this morning. Set 11 more duck eggs at noon. Went to Hayden this afternoon. Cast my vote, for the first time. Did several odd jobs this evening. Mama, Ora and I are going down home.

May 2

Ken told about grandpa's condition when he was there at 10 last nite. I went down to Mables before breakfast. Mable and Shelby came along about 7:30 and Ora and I went down to Seymour with them. We cleaned the folks back yard. Grandpa has lock-jaw and is in a critical condition. Can't eat nor rest, hardly talk plain. Cleaned off chicken roosts. Ora and Shelby have gone back to set up tonite. Mable is staying with me. We have sorted her clothes, ours and mamma's out, ready to wash tomorrow.

MAY 1, 1932

Dad, Ora and I went to Sun. school. Rena was there about 10 minutes. I told Harriett just what I thought about her. We four went down home this afternoon to see grandpa Perry. He surely is laid up and pretty back off today. Helped to do the milking, shelled some corn. Set 84 duck eggs. Mable and Shelby were here tonite.

April 30

Helped do the mornings work. Mowed the yard. Rena and I went to Mashing's to get duck eggs. Got 80 for one cent apiece. Rena slept most all morning. We were ready to start to Scipio when Harriett came at 12 and took Rena for the afternoon. Stopped at Mabels. Dad and the kids were there. Grandpa didn't come home, wasn't able. Harriett returned at four with Rena but had her bribed and monopolised for the night; when she had planned to stay here again. Almost heart-broken but guess 'twill heal in time. Studied S. school lesson.

April 29

Cleaned the house up. Made 58 popcorn balls for the party, which we are giving in honor of Rena. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, Howard, Clarence and Flossie, Mable, Shelby, Violet, Bill, Harriett and Rena were here. Rena is staying all nite. Has rained all evening and is pouring now. 11:30.

April 28

Nice warm day but real frosty this A.M. Cleaned chicken roosts and chicks coops off. Spaded the ground where I will set out gladiolas. I went to Dr. at North Vernon this P.M. Going back to the drop medicine. I have a bad cold. Did some patching this evening.

April 27

A little frost and real cool. Rena came as the Capes kids went to school. She and I did the ironing. Violet, Mabel, Rena and I visited school this P.M. Mama went to Wandas. Grandpa was down at Seymour with team and wagon and got hurt. Dr. put 10 clamps on his left arm. Asked Simmons, Hunnicutts, Harriett, Shelby and Mabel to come Friday nite.

April 26

Real cloudy and rather cool all day. Did the washing in the wood house with the hand machine. Violet came down this afternoon. I refixed my rug which I have started.