May 10

More rain and cloudy all day. Did the ironing. Cleaned off chicken roosts, cleaned out my hens nests, sprinkled louse powder and made new nests. Powdered duck, hens. Popped corn and made 27 ball. Finished mowing the yaard. Ken, Ora and I, Violet, Robert and Bill , went to Shelbys to celebrate his 26th birthday, which was May 3. Chicks 39.

May 9

Rained last nite and still cloudy this morning. Finely cleared off. Did the washing. Set out the dahlia bulb that Mrs Heller sent to me by Flossie. Helped to mend the screen of Ken's window and on back porch. Dampened the clothes. Mowed some of front yard. Moved some chick coops Sold my two pot pigs, 440 at $3.10. Hog $8.10

May 8

Nice big day. Helped do morning's work. We three and Violet went to Sunday school. Had 173 out, a Mother's Day Program afterwords. Ed, Lula, Ray, Wanda and my folks were here for dinner. Bob and Sara were here this P.M. Helped to do the milking. A nice shower this P.M.

May 7

The folks brought 28 chicks out for me to finish raising. Cleaned the house up. Shelled some corn. Studied Sun. school lesson, took a bath. Folks stopped a few minutes on their way home. A chick missing.

May 6

Cleaned up the cellar and did the ironing this A.M. Moved the two coops of chicks out of back yard into the orchard. Cleaned the coops out and chicken roosts off. The folks were here a few minutes on way to Vernon. They brought a setting-hen and 12 duck eggs. Brought grandpa's sox chicks down here tonight, they surely are nice. I have set 107 duck eggs this spring. Patched a shirt tonite.

May 5

Could hardly wake up this morning. Helped to do the work. Fixed ground and sowed seeds. Set out gladiola bulbs. Al Capone was taken to Atlanta Federal Prison yesterday for 11 years. Spaded more flower beds. Sowed some vine beans, zena, and marigold seed. Help plant some lettuce and beams, hoed the cabbage. Dampened the clothes.

May 4

I stayed down home last nite. Sat up with two ladies and Mr. McIntire was there part of nite. I made three peach pies, cleaned out the cubbard. Dad brought me home this morning. Helped to finish our morning's work. Pressed my coat and dress, Ora's suit and Ken's coat. Polished Ora's shoes and my slippers. We went down home with Mabels, about one this P.M. Funeral procession arrived at Hayden about 3:15. S. J. Cross and Rev Minter had charge of ceremony. Large crowd but a very sad place. Grandpa was 73 years old and surely was put away real nice.