April 19

Nice big spring day. Ken has the engine and washer all lined up so I did the washing out under the cherry tree. First time with this engine. Reset some pot flowers and set a carnation and two geranium's slips out. Spaded up flower bed in front yard and mama sowed petunia seed in it. Did a little reading and sewed some more rags. Dyed some rags, red for rugs.

April 18

Cleaned off chicken roosts. Sewed rug rags and started braiding a rug. Sold a boar for $12.00 to a Mr. Thoele of Seymour. Set four hens tonight. Helped to do the milking.

April 17

My big dark rooster died last night. We four went to Sunday School. Only 82 out. Mary Simmons and husband was there. Carrie, Bill, Wanda, Ray and Ruth were here this afternoon. Helped do the milking and cracked some corn for chicks. Mable and Shelby were here tonight.

April 16

Stayed in bed, nursing my pains, until 10:30. Done very little the rest of day. Cold and cloudy all day. Had my hair cut. Studied Sunday-school lesson tonight. The folks stopped a minute as they went home. Cream, 15 cents.

April 15

Still another frost but a real spring day. Boys began plowing on Sheedy with horses and colt. Cleaned off chicken roosts and chick coops. Cleaned back yard and most all of chicken yard this afternoon. Sewed more rags tonight. Ora went and paid the taxes this P.M.

April 14

Another big frost, nice sunshine. Did some patching. Worked on some quilt blocks. Read the papers. Robert purchased two quilts this morning $12.60. Sewed some rug rags tonight.

April 13

Feeling rather bum. Cold wind and sun not very warm. Did some patching and worked on some of Velma's quilt blocks. Received a letter from Mrs. Ella Starry of Blountstown Florida. Cleaned off chicken roosts. Visited Violet awhile this P.M. Saw a hawk after chicks today. Counted them tonight and 3 are missing, in the last few days.