March 29

Nice and warm all day. Sat down in the orchard and patched Ora's jacket, while watching for the hawk. Ora watched and shot at him, set some traps. Moved my three coops of chicks, up into the back  yard. Willard Sheedy came here today for keys to their house. The folks were past tonight. A woman from Ohio was asking and looking for a flour sifter which sifted flour eight times at once. I gave her mine (which she had given to me) to sell to her.

March 28

Warm and nice sunshine. Did the washing by my self as dad was sick. Rained a little just after dinner. Clothes just right to iron, so I did all the ironing. Hawks carried of two of my chicks today. Mabel, Shelby, Violet, Bill , Howard, Robert and Flossie came to celebrate my 21st birthday. They brought pop-corn balls and muffins. Gave me goods for an apron and a china butter plate. Had a fine time.

March 27

Up at five and built the fires. Ora was up all night watching the sow. She had 12 nice, dandy pigs. Nine males. Sunrise invisible, very cloudy and a cold wind. We four went to  Sun. School, stopped at Mabels and Velma went with us. Bro. Heller and two young men were there and they played Clarinats. Fine music. 116 out. Robert is taking care of Violet today. Esther, Ruth and Harley were here awhile after dinner. The five sows averaged 12 pigs. Getting colder. Helped Ora do the chores. Bob and Sara were here tonight.

March 26

Ora was up and down all night watching the sow. Received a birthday card from Aunt Maude. Did the usual Saturdays work. Put up rags and strings to scare hawks away from chicks. They have taken some. Velma, Emma and Dean were here this afternoon.

March 25

Cleaned out chicken coops and the roosts off. Took off 11 more chicks. Ken and his folks went to town so, I baked the bread. Mamma and Dean came out this P.M. I helped her finish Velma and Emma's new dresses. More little pigs this P.M. Man took Betty home, Rev. Rodgers started home from Colorado, today.

March 24

Big frost but arm sunshine all day. Made two pairs of summer drawers. A Mr. Brown of Johnson County, a member the State Tax  Board, was here looking at male hogs this morning. Harley was out a while, after school.

March 23

Help to do the mornings work, mopped the kitchen, cleaned off chicken roosts. Went and told Violet that she could go to Hayden with us. Received a letter from R. R. Read in the paper about the awful storm Monday night. Helped Lady Aiders to finish the quilt and then visited Wanda. Chicks beginning to hatch. Mamma's birthday. Eggs 10 cents at Hayden.